Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School

Welcome back students and parents! It's so hard to believe that summer is coming to a close and a new school year is about to begin. I am very much looking forward to meeting my new students and getting started on this school year.

Just a few reminders since there's still a little bit of time left...

*The summer assignments that were distributed on the last day of school are mandatory and will be graded. All assignments are due on the first day of school. Students are expected to complete assignments completely and to his or her own ability by following all directions. Late assignments will be accepted only until Friday, September 10th and will incur point deductions. Missing assignments will be scored as a 0, which can affect a student's report card grade. I know that summer should be a time of rest and relaxation, but it is so incredibly important for students at this age to have consistent exposure to those recently learned skills: reading, writing, and math. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.

*School supplies are so important to the flow our our day. In order to insure that the supplies remain in good condition (and are easy to locate), please make sure that your child's name is on all of the supplies that have an asterisk on the list. It's also important for you to have a few supplies at home for your child to use to complete homework assignments.

*Back to School Night will be here before we know it, so please keep on the look out for emails. My syllabus is located on my classroom website Feel free to take a look before BTSN and come prepared with any questions you may have. Please be prepared to bring your personal calendars and checkbooks to BTSN for Sacramental Preparation information with our Religious Ed Director, Mrs. Cristina Cullen.

*If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me at Once school resumes, I will have an "office hour" in which I read and respond to your emails (Monday - Friday 4:00-5:00PM). I will also be checking emails between 5 and 6 AM but not responding to them. Also, feel free to call the school and leave a message or write a note. I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

Please come back to check this blog frequently. Better yet, become a follower! An email will be sent to you when a new post is written. I will use this blog to post announcements, spelling words, highlights on classroom events, etc.

I look forward to getting to meeting all of you and even more so working with your wonderful children this year. Second grade is going to be an unforgetable year!