Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mystery Reader!

 SO surprised to see Grandma walk through the door!!
 Students listening intently!
 Best birthday surprise? A special auntie coming in as Mystery Reader!

 So happily surprised by Mom's book selection!!
The students are LOVING Mystery Reader! They are so surprised to look up and see who it is walking through our door. Some students are a bit suspicious and figure it out by the hints... others are completed blown away by their loving family members who have volunteered to read to them!

If you haven't had the chance to sign up yet, send me an email and we can find a time or date that works! Remember -- it doesn't HAVE to be a parent and it doesn't HAVE to be for a birthday, but it certainly can be one or both!!

Rite of Enrollment

Last week, the second graders were initiated into Sacramental Preparation at the Rite of Enrollment Mass. It was so great to see everybody there on such a dreary Sunday! This year's preparation for the Sacraments will be a great one! Looking forward to our other fabulous spiritual days before our Sacraments!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is Daily 5?

Hopefully by now your children have come home talking about Daily 5. {If not, ask them about it!} I thought I'd do a blog post (perhaps even a series of posts) that discuss and describe Daily 5 ALIVE in our classroom!

Over summer, I did a lot of research on how I could have more effective reading groups. I came across several classroom blogs written by teachers who sang praises about something called "Daily 5." What is it? I wondered with piqued enthusiasm the more I came across blogs that posted about it. So I purchased the e-book and read up on it and I was set on implementing the program in my classroom.

Daily 5, in a nutshell, is a series of literacy stations that students complete throughout the language arts period that allows the teacher to work one-on-one (which is rare/impossible with class sizes as large as ours!) or in small groups with students. The stations consist of: read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, word word, and work on writing. For the past 6 weeks, the students have been working on building their "stamina" on all of these activities so that they are guaranteed to work independently thus ensuring that the teacher can work with a small group. Each day, we have 3 mini-lessons where I explicitly teach the children how to become better readers: from focusing on a specific fluency task, to working on decoding skills to build accuracy, to checking for comprehension, to tuning in to interesting vocabulary words to build up our lexicon.

Daily 5 has been such a huge success in our classroom that Mrs. Harabedian has observed several times and now we are encouraging the implementation of it in all of the classes at our school. Hopefully your children have been "showing off" their skills at home. Whether they ask for "coaching vs. time", or "check" for comprehension, or back up to re-read something that didn't make sense, they are transferring the information learned at school to their skills at home.

One of the most rewarding things for me as a teacher was overhearing some of the kids working on their vocabulary books. It wasn't Daily 5 time, but they were working in pairs reading a passage. I heard several students come across unfamiliar words and instead of their partners jumping in with the correct word, they asked, "Coaching or time?" Together they decoded the word. What a success!!

Daily 5 -- I wish I could take credit for "inventing" it -- but the two "sisters" who came up with the idea {Boushey and Moser} are geniuses. I am so thankful to have time to work with small groups while the rest of the class is 100% engaged in their independent and meaningful activities.

So ask your kids about it! See what they say :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Has it been that long?

Wow! I can hardly believe that a) this is my first entry on the blog for this school year, and b) it took me until November to actually get around to it!

So... I'd like to officially welcome you to the 2nd grade blog! Feel free to become a follower... it makes me feel special. Ha! No but in all seriousness, I like to post the day in the life of second grade (more like the week in the life of 2nd grade) for you to see. And feel free to comment as well!

Before I start posting photos of the kids, I'm going to be sure to send an email....

Until then, see you in a few days.... I'll be posting Daily 5 pictures, Mystery Reader pictures, and some other little goodies!