Happy Monday Parents~
Just a few announcements for the upcoming week:
there is NO mass tomorrow due to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation) on December 8th. Please have your children wear UNIFORM DRESS on WEDNESDAY, regular uniform tomorrow. Be sure to pack a PE uniform for students to change on Wednesday!
At the staff meeting on Thursday, we were asked to have the children write letters thanking our servicemen and women over seas. The children wrote sweet letters of thanks to our dedicated military. If you have the time or inclination, we are also having a small collection for care packages to be put together (I am not facilitating this, however I will be happy to pass on any donation). Some items of need/want are: gum, loofah (the "plastic" ones), candy (no chocolate) like licorice, slim jims, instant individual packs of coffee, and chapstick. Thank you in advance for any donations, and please don't feel obligated as this was last minute information.
Please remember to have your child do ONE spelling activity per night. A couple of kids are coming on Friday with no spelling homework completed and are receiving incompletes in my gradebook. The children are now free to choose any activity they'd like. They should not be doing the same activity every night or every week for that matter. Please make sure they mix it up.
Please check back for important emails from our room moms regarding upcoming Christmas activities in the classroom.
I will be sending home First Reconciliation packets with activities/booklets inside. Please complete these at your leisure over the next few weeks, but please be sure to do them. You are on the honor system! :) It's really important for the kids to see that their Sacramental year is important to you. Take a few minutes each night to complete the activities/discuss the major points. Thanks!
Finally, I apologize for the look of the report cards from the first trimester. The school had some issues with Cornerstone, the online gradebook company, and long story short they were not prepared for us to enter O, G, S, NI for the work study/behavior areas. I am going back this trimester to fill those in so that Trimester 2's report cards will look like last year's. They will show the missing grades in those areas. As for now, if there is an area of need, you will see a check (more like a "square root sign" as my husband pointed out) and if you see a + it means an area of strength. If you don't see anything, your child is doing fine in that area.
Have a great evening!
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